My exploration is mainly focused on “Identity/es” and materialized by different ways of expression, facing the challenge of putting them together.
Trans-discipline for me is going after the trans-gression of the hyper-specificity mandate, and through more than one discipline to create from somewhere in between them and translate this epistemology into praxis.
I feel heavily influenced by the surroundings and keen to experiment with the properties and potential of different materials. What surrounds me gives me nuances and surprises, I let that enter into my shapes and words. In my artwork there is no rest of material wasted, as a metaphor of life, every single thing can be useful, what becomes garbage in one artwork can become the seed for the next one.
Not only my artistic production, but also my psychology background are somehow individual pieces and experiments that contribute to a bigger body I’m producing.
I cannot split my creative process from my personal internal and external movement
There's something about the unfinished, the site in construction, the work in process as a result in itself, empty spaces and the be-coming going on in my art work as a constant expression of a fluid identity always in transforma-tion.
A lot of my art comes through somatic experiences that I live in synesthetic way and try to express through different mediums.
I look for some kind of  alchemy to get moved in my psyche through the creation of symbols and the execution of actions.
I situate myself somewhere in the middle of the intersection of artistic production, psychology and artivism. My question about identity is personal but also taking place between the groups of people I work with as a psychologist, in which we explore through art.
At the same time, I’m moved by deep questions which I approach in transversal ways, like what’s linking all those faces floating on the surface like.
My impulse of creating is often an insistence that keeps me awake, something I need to construct and manifest somehow, a somatic shout looking to become an artistic shape to resignify.
The story behind the artworks takes a very relevant place for me, as an expression of a path of creation that goes between the randomness and the not randomness, as two pendules in movement crossing. The geographic locations and the interactions happening there become a way of knitting my art process.
There is a constant open dialogue between my art pieces and a bigger work, opening a wider dialogue about bigger themes like identity, gender, emotions, violence as a social illness manifesting in the body, and the possibility of creating a preferred narrative about ourselves by different artistic expressions.
Centre Civic Can Verdaguer, Spain
Earthquakes (WIP) exhibition at Estados de Tránsito (2023)
Taller 131, Spain
Exhibition at Untie the Silence (2023)
Can Serrat, Spain
International Art Residency
ArtHouse Holland, Netherlands
International Art Residency
Chilly Cabin, Netherlands
International Art Residency
Centre Cívic Barceloneta, Spain
Exhibition at Habitar los Márgenes (2023)
Can Serrat, Spain
International Art Residency of Collective Narratives
Femartzine About women and their problems
Autoparto (2022)
Documenta Fifteen
Collaboration with Luis Menacho in On simultaneity from a collective environment (2022)
Cultural Centre Aurora, Argentina
Movement Fair Performance (2022)
Arte Fuck Psyke
1º book’s publication & immersive play experience, Argentina (2021-2022)
Lab Art Productions: Scenography and Costumes - Artistic Installations
Seminaries (2021)
Seminary by Johana Borchard (2021)
Center for Studies and Research in Medicine and Art, Argentina
Performance schizoanalytic, Clinic by Stella Angel Villegas  (2020)
Rivadavia Auditorium, Argentina
Auto-Re-Trato Installation (2019)
Museum of Modern Art of Mendoza MMAMM, Argentina
Por puta Installation at Miradas otras (2018)
I work professionally as a psychologist since 2012, mainly accompanying dissident identities in different senses, from an integrative approach and through artistic expressions of different types, 
I think that diagnoses are not enough to name people's identities, just as words are not enough to represent experiences. 
A few years ago I stopped feeling comfortable in the traditional clinic device for different reasons, among them the asymmetry of power implicit in the 1-1, and the favoring of situations of pathologization and revictimization, as iatrogenic practices that many times this implies, so I decided to inhabit this space from the search for creative ways and that make sense to me at the time of therapeutic dispositives.
My north as a therapist is saluto-genesis
Currently, both my professional ethics as a psychologist and my artistic expression are focused on the visibility of rights and identities, support for dissidence and salutogenic actions.
I care about people's right to identity and to be able to express themselves freely beyond social impositions. I worked mainly in Mendocinos x la Igualdad and Red de Psicólogos Feministas, in Argentina.
I consider thera-peutic processes as creative spaces.
I began to explore group devices and techniques that were beyond the words, such as gestalt therapeutic theater, therapeutic writing, phototherapy, biodance and art therapy, welcoming any artistic expression in therapeutic spaces to work through them as a creative canvas.
mental health
I work in an integrative way, and not following a specific method, because I do not think that we have to adapt people to a method but to look for unique ways of accompaniment contemplating our diversities and preferences, I also believe that what heals is the connection, and not folding people into pieces to make him fit into a theory. I value horizontal exchanges.
I nourish myself from narrative practices, seeking to promote people's preferred narratives.
In my history as a psychologist it has been very important to be able to connect people with each other, generating collective therapeutic devices where they can exchange experiences in first person and leave the isolation of the individual consulting room.
In this role, I seek to facilitate experiences from a decentralized place of power where those who have the expertise in their lives are the people themselves. At present, I only have individual sessions from a complementary place of these devices, as a follow-up or to work on specific issues with people, and I emphasize my practice in the generation of collective devices in specific communities, from their own first-person accounts and the creation of expressions and experiences amplified from there.
My activism focuses mainly on mental health, trans-feminisms and human rights.
Collective narrative sessions
1ST Iberoamerican Congress on Narrative Practices and cultural melting pot of Valencia- Decolonising narrative practices
Performance and poster presentation Mutar Trama (2022)
Narrative Practices Maps, Argentina
Seminary (2021)
Gestalt Theater Therapy Center
Seminary (2019)
Collective workshops
Art therapy, Photo therapy, narrative practices (2019)
National University of Cuyo, Philosophy and Literature -Inter-disciplinary Centre for Women's Studies
Publication of Notes to demystify romantic love- A way of deconstruction women's role towards more equal and different amatory practices (2019)
Red de psicólogxs feministas
Reflection group coordination
Institutional gender referent at Security force, Argentina
Hias (ONU)
Psychologist in multi-disciplinary team with Colombian refugees (2013)
Clinic psychologist
Private practice in person & online (2012-2023)
Psychologist,Lic. en Psicología, Research Thesis: Coming out of the closet, UDA